Web Hosting for Successful Agencies
Build, ship, and manage multiple client sites seamlessly. You get all the tools needed to navigate clients and sites with ease.
Build, ship, and manage multiple client sites seamlessly. You get all the tools needed to navigate clients and sites with ease.
Experience our powerful interface that enables you to manage multiple websites under one roof with our Site Tools Demo!
Take advantage of our automated site setup wizard to create a new site in minutes in your hosting package. Then, easily manage all your sites from a single dashboard with quick access to the Site Tools of each site and options to suspend or delete sites.
Once the site is ready to be delivered to the client, you can easily transfer ownership in a few clicks. Recommend the best hosting plan and additional services for that site as part of the transfer process to facilitate your client's next steps. You can also stay on as a collaborator to that site by simply checking off a box!
You can add your team members as collaborators to one or all of your sites. You can easily delete users and manage their site access permissions.
On our GoGeek and Cloud plans, you can register your clients as users in your account and give them white-label access to the Site Tools of the sites you build for them. When your clients log into the Site Tools of their websites, they won’t see the SiteGround brand anywhere.
Full control over every site you manage.
Easily upload files on your sites with our file manager, FTP manager, and staging tool built exclusively for WordPress.
You will love powerful tools like WordPress staging, WP-CLI, SSH, PHP version control, Git integration, MySQL manager and more that help you develop faster and give you control over the environment.
Enjoy SSL, CDN, IP blocker, WordPress caching and autoupdates, and other tools included in our plans to tighten the security and boost the speed of your sites.
You can rely on a set of tools and services crafted exclusively for WordPress.
Making changes on your site has never been easier. Make a copy of your site in a click, work on it, and then push the changes live with our staging tool.
We automatically update your WordPress instances and plugins. You can schedule how soon your site is updated after a new version is released or even skip a version if needed.
Use our SG Optimizer plugin to enable dynamic caching and optimize your application. You can also enable CSS & HTML minifications, lazy image loading, and more.
If you like managing your WordPress site with the Command line, we have WP-CLI installed on our servers and available for use on all plans.
Create a fully-functional site with a professional design and key functionalities like contact forms, an online store, a portfolio, and more.
Our free Migrator plugin helps you move as many WordPress instances as you like without hassle and without changing any configurations.
* All advertised prices above apply to prepaid purchases оf a 12-month hosting plan. Special prices are applicable for the first invoice. For all subsequent renewals regular prices apply.
We’re honored and humbled by the great feedback we receive from our customers on a daily basis. SiteGround is rated Excellent 4.99 out of 5 based on 1815 reviews. Read more reviews here.
If you plan to build and manage multiple sites, we recommend you choose from our GrowBig, GoGeek or Cloud plans as they let you create as many sites as you like at no extra cost. Or, you can get multiple hosting packages and distribute your sites among them depending on your management preferences and site requirements.
Once you choose your preferred hosting package, take advantage of our automated site setup wizard, which helps you launch a site really fast. It lets you choose among WordPress, Magento, and 20+ applications to get installed on your new site. For WordPress installations, we also give you the WordPress Starter plugin. This helps you easily add a professional theme and plugins and make your site functional in minutes.
You can easily manage all your sites, from a single dashboard, regardless of how many hosting bundles you have. Enjoy a quick access to the Site Tools of each site and options to suspend or delete sites. There is also a handy option to switch between sites once you're in the Site Tools of the site you're working on.
Many of our customers maintain dynamic sites that require updates and changes as their businesses grow. However, big changes can be risky and it's a good practice to test any major change in a safe environment that won't affect your live site. That’s why we've developed our Staging tool, which is available on our GrowBig and GoGeek plans.
The Staging tool allows you to create an exact copy of your site in a click so you can work on it before pushing changes live. That way you can test any new code changes and make sure they don’t break your site. Or, for example, you can modify the environment to see how your site will behave with a new PHP version before switching it live.
Any changes made can be pushed to your live site with confidence, in one click! Upon pushing live, you can exclude databases and other changes that might overwrite new data recorded on the live site during testing. Just to be on the safe side, we also perform automatic backups each time you upload a staging version to production.
Keeping your WordPress application up-to-date with the latest version is an important step in maintaining a secure site. If you find the update process difficult or simply forget to keep track of the new releases, our automatic WordPress software and plugin updates are perfect for you. You can also schedule how soon your site is updated after a new version is released or even skip a version if you need more time to prepare for the update.
WordPress instances hosted on SiteGround are amazingly fast. By default, we enable NGINX Direct Delivery for all sites on our servers, which means that certain items, like your images for example, will load faster from the memory of the server. However, the biggest impact on the WordPress loading speed is achieved by using the higher levels of our SuperCacher service and connecting your site with our NGINX-based dynamic cache and Memcached service through our SG Optimizer plugin (the option is available on our GrowBig, GoGeek, and Cloud plans).
You can easily set the optimal PHP version for your WordPress through our plugin and start using our HTTPS option properly with a click. Both these options ensure increased website loading speed.
Automatic image optimizations, lazy image loading, GZIP compression, CSS & HTML minifications, and more are also included in our SG Optimizer plugin. By adding them too, we allow our users to have an all-in-one solution, custom-built for the SiteGround hosting environment. That allows you to get the best possible performance results from a single plugin, instead of using multiple optimization plugins.
If you like managing your WordPress site through command line, we have WP-CLI installed on our servers and available for use on all plans. We also provide SSH access to your account.
Once you install WordPress through our site setup wizard (or applications installer) and log into your site’s admin panel, you will be able to use our unique WordPress Starter. This tool allows you to choose from a selected collection of professional site designs and add key functionalities like contact forms, an online store, a portfolio, and more. All the features you select are automatically installed on your site, turning the standard default WordPress installation into a beautiful and fully-functional website in minutes - no technical knowledge required! Read more.
Migrating a website with our WordPress Migrator is super easy and free. You just need to install our Migrator plugin on the site you want to migrate, get a token from your SiteGround Site Tools and put it in the plugin. The Migrator will securely move all of your content while keeping your configuration intact. The best thing is that it’s completely free and you can use it for as many migrations as you wish. Read more on our blog.