In 2012 we started the SiteGround How Cool Is That challenge to help our clients learn about the cool technologies that only we provide. Every week of the challenge we posted a new infographic explaining one of our unique features. In the final stage of the competition, our clients were invited to vote for the coolest technology by sharing their feedback in a comment. Our Daily backup features received great support.

Comments ( 113 )
Shimal Harichurn
I've been extremely impressed with the SiteGround Daily Backup Service.
Juan Luis
It works in the background but makes you feel safer...
Chris Rider
This is definitely a great feature! Hopefully I'll never need to use it, but it's reassuring to know it's there!
Jaber Ahmed
I feel very secure and less worried with the SiteGround back up service. Would recommend surely!
Mark Borkowski
SiteGrounds reputation is that they are one of the best "back-up" sources in the industry. This is the main selling feature for any prospective client using the service.
Aaron Glett
I manage multiple subsites on my hosting with siteground. I've always had needs that this automated backup has saved my charred rump. Always a pleasure doing business with your customer service teams, since they always seem to know how to help me. Except when I'm dealing with migrating content from a media wiki to another. I think that's the only time, it's not been friendly.
Kaven Tan
Been taking advantage of backup by Siteground since long time back. Gives one peace of mind.
jose luis
I feel safer in Siteground.
Francis Sling
i love it
Vinod Bokhiriya
Before SiteGround, I was on Godaddy. One day someone hacked my sites and remove all the data from my account. I have only backup for one site Database on my computer not for others. So, I loose all my work for some of sites there. I have to do all things from scratch. But after move to SiteGround, I always feel safer for my data. I know that if my data will loose for any of reason, SiteGround will help me restore it. God Bless you, SiteGround! Thank you for everything.
Henrik Brosenius
No matter how safe you try to be, a good backup service is crucial. Siteground handles this with excellence.
Jo Cooper
Such a fantastic thing to have on a site. I use WordPress and it's great knowing I don't have to worry about using an outdated version and be vulnerable to attack and hacking. Not everyone can check for updates 24/7 and it could only take minutes for a site to be rendered vulnerable and targeted by unsavory characters. It really makes me feel my site is in safe hands with Siteground. Amazing host.
Best. Host. Ever. I lost my site due to my own stupid error of me not backing up certain system files. not wanting a total overwrite to lose my in progress work Siteground quickly got me back up and running, they located which files were screwed up and quickly replaced them with valid working versions.. total downtime - 1 hour total lost date 0%
Definitely one of the most valuable features. Let's face it, not all of us are trained adequately (if at all) in website management. It's true we make stupid mistakes and break the website by accident (if we even know why!). The backup feature is crucial as a safety net. The plus account daily backup is fantastic, especially for users with multiple domains, it's easy to download a copy of the individual domain directory before making drastic changes to the existing website.
Greg Ashley
Listen I don’t worry about security and I certainly do not worry about my sites data. I love the thought of set and forget, it is like someone holding your hand all day long with not a care in the world. Backups sure but I don’t have to worry about it with SiteGround!
Cannot stress enough how valuable this feature is. Knowing your sites are safe and data is secure is worth its weight in gold as far as i'm concerned. A website only works if the data is there to deliver, so knowing at the click of a button everything can be restored helps me sleep better at night.
Donald Cherry
I have two big Moodle installations. I sleep easy at night (and sometimes in the afternoons after a heavy lunch) knowing that Siteground's got my back.
More than very useful, one of the main reasons Siteground is my choice.
Adel Ammari
Neither me nor any of my clients ever complained about performance issues. Knowing that we were on the basic plans as well. Not to mention, the customer support response time, its great as well :) Therefore, my vote goes to speed and performance.
Scott @ Century
Some other providers charge an arm and a leg for a daily backup service. But with siteground you can rest assured that if anything were to go horribly wrong, site restoration is but a few clicks away!
Zaka Alibayov
This technology is very comfortable and useful for me.
You can relax and let the Siteground to take care of your backup!
Sam Baratta
The Daily Backups upgrade ROCKS, I have flubbed up more than once and with daily backups I don’t have to worry about losing parts of my sites anymore! =)
Sam Baratta
P.S. Did I mention that THE DAILY BACKUPS ROCK!
Andy Brown
Siteground backups are really important and help alleviate some of the pains and hard work should your site get compromised and need restoring to the previous safe enviroment. Thank you.
Shawn Dunigan
The thought of losing all my stuff! No bueno! Can't say I have used the back up personally and that worries me, but the fact that Siteground has it makes me want to to do it!
Siteground maintains its edge over other hosting companies- one of its features being automatic site backup. How many times have you ever lost all your work? Meant to back up but didn't quite get round to it.... well those problems are over with Siteground's Automatic Backups!
ID Safairis
Never worries of losing data or accidental problems. Siteground covers it all with its great backup feature.
Kevin Graham
I don't have to do it for myself or any of my clients because SiteGround does it for me. That saves me time and money and keeps my clients happier than the competitions.
Claire Lanouette
I am a solo entrepreneur with very little technical savvy, SiteGround is a trusted partner that gives me the assurance that whatever happens with my website, they can restore it from the backup. And best of all, I don't have to do anything to ensure the backup is done -- they take care of everything.
I switched multiple sites to SiteGround after dealing with a host with questionable security. Super happy with SiteGround. No hacking here! Keep up the good work.
Anthony Grimes
The backup has saved our company's website. It provides a great feeling of relief to know the backups are automaticaslly being captured. Thank you SiteGround.
michael chisina
im loving it!!
Mike W
The auto Update features on siteground rule! My servers have apparently been upgraded several times over the years, but I never even knew it.
Arthur Davis
One big reason I use siteground is because I can feel safe making changes to my page. If I make a dumo mistake siteground will help.
Anh Tran
Last 3 days ago ... I have problem with my website and database ... But with this feature I can solve my problem ... thanks SiteGround
If you aren't backing up, you will have data loss, but with SiteGround on the job you are covered.
If there is one thing that many of us forget is back-up and SiteGround has covered that ground!! Thanks SiteGround!!
I just love this feature! I am fairlynew to websdesign and a lot of the times I madea small change that resulted in my site crashing. Thankfully, this feature saved my a** and I was able to restore my website in no time. Thanks SiteGround!!!
Jagadish Hiremath
I do not use it.
I have made stupid mistakes in the backend, and Siteground’s backup saved my…backend!
We chose SiteGround because it was one of the most trusted hosting companies for Joomla and WordPress. With great support team, bulletproof security and extremely high server uptime, just another step needed in this chain was CDN. And SiteGround provided just that - Cloudflare CDN. Very good and scalable CDN which is really affordable if you need a professional quality CDN. We started with Livestreaming and HTML5 videos on our site and it boosted our traffic. Thank you SiteGround.
Mike Jentes
We transitioned to SiteGround several years ago because of their specialty in Drupal...and we haven't been disappointed. Making some mistakes in some of the admin areas...I was saved by the back up feature. It's not Thanksgiving time, but I was still giving thanks!
Great, great service
One of the things I learned early on in my web development career is the importance of backing up your work on a regular basis. Even the most experienced people make mistakes, and there's nothing worse than not being able to revert to a previous version. SiteGround makes backing up your files and databases easy, and I can't tell you how many times it has saved me!
Malik Hosier
I always feel secure with siteground hosting my websites. I have been rolling with them since 2006.
There's only one time we had our site compromised to an intruder, and it was not Siteground's fault at all-- an employee made a silly mistake of opening a virus-infested e-mail. In any case, thanks to Siteground, I was glad to have a recent backup to restore a variety of files that had been altered.
Mark Johns
Quick and Easy, that's the ticket. I wouldn't remember to back up as often as I should if it were a difficult process.
I like it. Fasteest and safest.
Go ahead and press that button, whether its a WordPress core update, a plugin update or a silly script you wrote that would erase the entire directory ;) Panic-Free life with SiteGround backup service. KEEP CALM, PINCH ON & SING A SONG!
Love this. All of these graphics are great at helping me better know and understand what siteground has to offer and to help pass it on to others. Keep up the GREAT work!
Rob Wallace
The daily back up gives me piece of mind, well done siteground!
Marcel Rivera
It puts my mind at ease knowing I have a backup of the latest and greatest of my site.
i host my website and every things comes alone, like a magic. Nice work Siteground.
For me it's the best security is "MISTER BACKUP" This's a good tool and the best one.
Muhammad El-Saeed
it’s very great feature, so when I make a mess or any fault while updateing online, I can fix it withuot any worries that cause I’m always updating via cpanel file editor in a quick, so I may have many syntax errors and other un expected errors
It's not just a great feature. It's a life-saver.
Mick H
In today's reckless and careless internet world, many people strive to better secure their websites, and not many people have the knowledge and know how to do so properly. With the tools that SiteGround helps provide, and the useful assistance from the SiteGround staff as well as the third party applications that assist with this security, hosting a website on SiteGround is highly recommended. The security features offered were the primary reason my company chose SiteGround as a host, and with the additional benefits that came along with their service, we couldn't have chose a better hosting site.
Solid daily backups are an essential must-have. Don't host sites without it.
Simon Brunelle
My site have been saved by the daily backup one time !!! I i'll always be thankfull !!!
Ahmed Lemine
Great great service. I have more than one site on SiteGround and the daily backup save my life in different situations.
Never lose anything again. Great backup service!
Edwin Escobar
Muy bueno el servicio hasta el momento y la agilidad del servidor ha sido buena.
Siteground - High Speed, Low Drag
Bradley Clampitt
When you get busy and rush.... you do dumb stuff, thus this has and will continue to come in handy thanks to me never slowing down and trying to tackle as many things as I can!
Frank Pauwels
We are new a customer , totally inexperienced with the technical side of things. Our forum runs smoothly on our dedicated server. Kudos to Siteground and their support team.
Frank Pauwels
When you run a forum for a couple of years and experience a crash then you now how golden a daily back-up really is. We lost 6 months worth of posted pictures in a big crash (different host) which meant thousands of posts and hundreds of topics became redundant. A good feature to have.
M Stanko
I LOVE the backup feature on SiteGround! I'm a firm believer in always having backups, which is why I love services like DropBox. But the best part about DropBox is that not only are you backing up to the web on some server that can crash and lose all your data, but also on every computer that has DropBox. SiteGround's offsite backup is very similar. You don't trust your data to be safe in just one location. It's good to know that SiteGround wants to keep our data safe by backing up in multiple locations. Although there are a bunch of other cheaper services than SiteGround out there, I have NEVER found a hosting company that puts so much effort into ensuring that their customers are happy, their data is safe, and their website is running smoothly at all times. I'd rather pay a little bit more and get all of these great features that SiteGround has but their competitors do not. I'm sure there are many more to come, too!
Emmanuel Tetteh Kuadzi
Great Customer and Tech Supports! Replays my mails in few minutes and also straight to the point tutorials for first time users. Keep it up.
Emmanuel Tetteh Kuadzi
Interesting cloud service... It makes downloading of pages very first and quick.
Chuck Alexander
This saved me from a heart attack after accidentally deleting one file and making a mistake with another. We lost access to our site. Within less than half an hour we had the site running once again.
It works well and you don't even notice it. Cool.
I have been glad on more than one occasion that there are backups. And it was my own doing with an accidental delete.
I love how easy it is to install and update Joomla, really does take a lot of stress away.
SITEGROUND. My new favorite hosting company
This is all about being comfortable and no worries.
It's good to know they have my back and hers!!
One of my favorite features.
Matt Edwards
Love new toys! Yay for updated hardware!
Backups are basics! Thank goodness siteground helps you take care of this stuff so you can get on with creating great stuff!
ghassan Doughaidi
One of my favorite features.
This feature is like making real sense of the term world wide web.
Phil davison
I love knowing that my site is backed up... Just in case!!
With backup. you can't be too careful. It's not IF, it's WHEN will you lose data, and with daily backup you never have t worry about losing your whole site or a weeks worth of work. What a great seamless idea.
Can't have too many backups.
I feel so secured with Siteground back ups and will recommend to my friends very soon and any other inquirer.
This technology is incredible, and i like it real good
New customer, but the backup feature will be one of the first to try out, so important !
Siteground, simply, gives you what you want, when you want it, and with lower cost.
Benson Kanyi
This is one of the best features that Siteground has always taken care of..all my sites have auto backup service enabled and i always get e-mail notification when backups are completed. I can always access my Backup easily and are securely stored. I like this and Siteground Keep it UP! Cheers!
Haven't been with SiteGround very long, but have suffered with other less-than-adequate hosting providers that do NOT provide daily backups. Even though the backup only includes files/folders, just knowing the backups are taken regularly provides a peace of mind that's hard to find in technology these days. Finally! Someone who recommended a solid, affordable hosting provider called SiteGround!
This is a proactive strategy. Thank you siteground.
Daily backups in the past have saved my website and a lot of time, you never know when you are going to have problems and knowing that you have a backup of the latest site is a good feeling. Siteground allows for nice backup options and features, very cool.
Brian McVicker
I've got two sites hosted by Siteground and neither have had any security issues an d I've had no downtime due to reliable servers and great customer service.
Saravanan P
Best in class service and support
My computer crashed recently. I was impressed that I was able to retrieve my data.
This is cool and I want that macbook!
Raja Umar
The back-up feature siteground (r) has is essential because anything can happen and if you don't have good backups things can go from great to a total nightmare. I have had first hand experience and have to say this is a core feature you NEED as a website owner. thank you for reading :)
Scott Greenwald
When it comes to Joomla, SiteGround's Daily Backup service is one of the many features that sets them apart from other hosting companies. Many people struggle with backup extensions in Joomla. And even the leading Backup extension (name reserved) can be difficult to configure for automated backups. Plus, SiteGround's backups are incremental, making it faster & easier to restore your site should you ever have the need to. Thanks for providing such a great service!
Backup is great! Saves a lot of work and headaches. SiteGround is the only host I know with such an ESSENTIAL tool!
Again, one of the reasons I've stuck with Siteground: you go above and beyond when protecting my data.
Andreas Oxinos
Indeed there are dumb ways to loose your data :D thank you siteground, shoutout to that backup and the servers uptime xD the 2 reasons im never leaving your servises
Hokie Smokes!
Mohamed Habaza
Really extremely feature that I love here in SiteGround, I purchased this service on another account, and I'm keeping my website saved everyday. THANKS SiteGround.
keep up the great work guys
Leon Chia
It's hard to choose one feature that is coolest - they are all important and helpful to us customers. If I have to choose, I think it should be that which is beyond my control. I guess the one that I have least choice is, is Siteground's hardware. The fact that Siteground helps us by upgrading so frequently, is a huge privilege. Thank you, Siteground!
Tranquility is what I can be summed this excellent service.
Greggy Garsuta
I'm really excited and happy about this feature. It's not only a life saver, but it only saves you a lot of time, money and effort when disaster occurs (i.e. accidental deletion). Although I use backup plugins for my wordpress sites, it's nice to know that siteground is also making sure that my sites are backed up on their end. Just simply amazing :)
Wael Hussein
This feature gives me peace of mind. I can now experiment with new codes and allow contractors work on my site. I no longer am anxious about one of my users losing their material or messing up their content.
Sita @ Real Food Suomi
This feature gives me peace of mind. (note previous comment ended up in the wrong section! I am copying and pasting to Auto-update section).
Gommers Sarah
The services of Siteground are really the best. As webmasters we have tried more then ten services and Siteground is in all domains the best. Especially their back-up system, thanks for everything
For me the backup service didn't really work as I needed to back up the site from 7+ days ago. They only go 7 days back which in this case wasn't enough. We also have a hosting plan at Layershift and here you can go back 30 days which in this specific case would have been really great. Something for Siteground to perhaps think about adding in the future.
Marina Siteground Team
Hello Maria, could you please let me know what plan you are using at SiteGround? If you have a GrowBig or GoGeek plan, you should be able to restore a copy from up to 30 days back. Let me know what is your account name with us or a ticket ID if you have submitted a ticket, and I will be glad to investigate the case for you. Regards!
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