In the previous post, we have already met the leaders of our technical team. Today I am pleased to introduce to you the people responsible for the management of other key aspects of the SiteGround hosting service.
Reneta – VP, Marketing and Product Development
We call her just Reni. She joined SiteGround in 2004 and started her work here as part of the Marketing Team. Today she is our Vice President, Marketing and Product Development, and is responsible primarily for SiteGround marketing, advertising, public relations, sales, accounting, and billing efforts. Oops, that gives her a bit more responsibilities than her title implies 🙂
Lilyana – Marketing Manager
Lily has been with SiteGround since its foundation in early 2004. She is the person who has created the marketing team and has been a significant contributor to SiteGround’s development. She is in charge of the Marketing team and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the day-to-day work. Lily is currently on maternal leave enjoying her time with her sweet little daughter Maria. Happy birthday Maria! (Maria turns one tomorrow.)
Sneji & Hristo – Sales Managers
Sneji and Hristo joined SiteGround in 2005 and initially worked as sales representatives. Today they are in charge of a sales force of approximately 20 people supporting both existing and potential customers in all sales and renewal aspects of our service 24 hours a day.
Tina – Marketing Specialist
Well, that’s me 🙂 I work in the Marketing department of SiteGround. I enjoy socializing and I am an eager supporter of the web 2.0 media tools. That’s how I ended up managing the company’s blog, our Facebook page, and Twitter account.
I will keep meeting you with people from our team, as I believe that there is something cute about knowing the people who work for you 🙂
Comments ( 10 )
Langdon Lau
I thought Siteground was advertised as a US company, it seems everyone pictured has a foreign name. Are you sure you're based in the US.
Nice to put some faces behind the Siteground UI. :) We are a new company and working hard on getting our site launched.
@ Langdon Lau Our shared servers are located in Houston, Texas and our VPS and dedicated servers are in Chicago, Illinois and Ashburn, Virginia, USA. Our customer service teams are in Bulgaria and since a few months, some people from the management team are also here. @ Dave Glad you like the idea about the blog. Wishing you good luck with your new website. If you need any help, just let us know!
I read from their terms and condition that their corporate office is located in Panama.
Hi Tina! I have been a loyal Siteground customer for over a year and LOVE your service. I am currently hosting a dozen sites with Siteground! I tell everyone about your service as well. Is there an email address of someone I can talk to about a sponsorship proposal? It involves one of my sites that I am hosting with you currently. Thanks! Kurt
Kurt, thank you for your kind words. It is always so great to hear such a positive feedback! As to the sponsorship proposal, I have emailed you for details.
Nap, this is true, our corporate registration is in Panama, and our company operations are in Bulgaria.
To the siteground team, thank you for being able to see the people behind the service, sales, marketing and support. Langdon, I am certain that siteground can provide you with lots of websites hosted on their server which service and inform people globally, it is the essence of the internet. Being from Israel and having my website hosted in Houston has not affected the uptime and performance of the. Благодаря Noam
It is a pleasure to see some photos of you, the people of Siteground. I have been at Siteground from the year 2004 and I never had any problem. I am always pleasantly surprised how fast and good your support is! I wish you all the best. Thanks!
I like siteground's policy of only hiring beautiful women.
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