Meet Teifion Jordan: “I've stuck with SiteGround for half a decade because it works.”
It is my pleasure to present now Teifion Jordan from UK who has created and maintained for nearly 7 years an interesting play by post game, called World of Arl and is now interested in a completely different and surprising area. Keep reading to find out which it is.
SiteGround: Tell us something more about yourself?
Teifion Jordan: When I started the World of Arl website I was studying a Computer Engineering degree, I became an inbound (people called me) salesman for a UK car insurance company and now I handle complaints for that company. I had a brief stint as a web developer but it didn’t last what with the recession and all, I also discovered I don’t like running a business.
SiteGround: The website you host with us since 2006 is about a strategy game World of Arl created and ran by you. It seems that after maintaining it for several years it has come to an end. Tell us more about this game: how did you start it, what was it about in short, what did it mean for you to run it? What will be your next passion?
Teifion Jordan: World of Arl (WoA) would be best described as a play by post game, take D&D and put a strategy spin on it and you’ve got WoA. I started with just 10 players and at one stage I believe it rose to nearly 60 before falling again. I have always enjoyed designing and running games which led to this. I was going to make a replacement game focused on greed and profiteering but I soon worked out it would simply be “spreadsheets in space” and so am mulling over other ideas of what to make if anything. I’ve recently taken up dancing (Salsa, Reggaeton and even Zumba) so my time has suddenly become rather limited.
SiteGround: We see you have already started a website related with your new passion: Zumba Jules and we wish you luck with it! Now tell us a little but more about your experience with SiteGround?
Teifion Jordan: I selected Siteground at the advice of a friend, initially I signed up for only a year on the basis that if the service was poor I would move to a new provider. The service was excellent and I stayed, I also got several friends to use them when starting websites. My initial impressions of Siteground were excellent, I had never needed to contact hosting providers before and found them to be very helpful. I’ve stuck with Siteground for half a decade because it works, they’re clear about the limits on the account and reasonable with the price. They were responsive to any questions asked and in those 5 years I believe I’ve had approximately half an hour of downtime in total.
So let’s leave Teifion has lots of fun dancing and we will be heading off to meeting our next special customer and presenting her to you next Friday!
Lilyana Yakimova
Marketing Manager
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