Meet Saleh Bucay: “During the 8 year I was with SiteGround, they changed only for better”
It’s time for the second interview from our new blog series – “Meet our very special customers”. Today we introduce to you Saleh Bucay from Saudi Arabia. He has more than 10 websites hosted with us, and his first website was uploaded on our servers only 2 months after launching What fascinates us most though are the projects he’s involved in. Read through the interview with him to learn who the Maranao people are and what the organization he’s involved in does to empower Muslim women.
SiteGround: Tell us more about yourself and your website hosted by SiteGround:
Saleh Bucay: My name is Saleh Ampaso Bucay, a computer engineer by profession. Currently holding the position of a Senior Engineer – Administration & Support, Tawuniya, Riyadh. Saudi Arabia.
SiteGround: From your online projects hosted by us it seems you are quite active in many Maranao and other Islamic charity and professional organizations in The Philippines and Saudi Arabia. Can you tell us more about who the Maranaos are?
Saleh Bucay: Maranaos are the majority of the Filipino Muslims in the Philippines. We are mainly situated at the Islamic City of Marawi, a nearby city of Iligan. The area was recently hit with typhoon called “Sendong” which killed at least 180 and nearly 500 missing. See the news at
SiteGround: Tell us more about your first projects with SiteGround?
Saleh Bucay: The first website I hosted with SiteGround was and back June & July 2004. is the site of Women of Islam Organization which has the mission to “Empower Muslim women through education and skills”. My involvement with this organization is IT director and adviser. While is a site for the Federation of Maranao Associations in Saudi (FEMAS) of which I have been serving as Secretary General (chairman) since 2001 to date. The goal of the organizations I am involved in is to promote peace and tranquility. I started the two websites using the MS Frontpage, then migrated to PHP platform using Joomla
SiteGround: What were the biggest challenges in front of your projects?
Saleh Bucay: The biggest challenges in front of and were how to maintain their existence on the web as it requires a lot efforts and financial sustainability. But with as our host, we feel comfortable due to its free resources in addition to the affordable hosting price.
SiteGround: You are one of the first people to start using SiteGround reseller account, but is seems to me that you are not using it to host websites for other people, but you rather have multiple websites of your own? Is this the case?
Saleh Bucay: I am not using my reseller account for business purposes, but I rather have multiple websites of my own and my close friends.
SiteGround: Tell us a little more about why you use SiteGround hosting?
Saleh Bucay: I found SiteGround through the search engine. I was looking for a credible hosting firm that suits our needs with affordable price. My initial impression after I started using SiteGround hosting was excellent. It did change during the years for better. The main reason that made me stick with your hosting services for such a long time is because of your unbeatable hosting packages and support services.
Big thanks to Saleh for taking the time to answer our questions and for being such a loyal customer throughout all those years! Looking forward to working with you for many years ahead and hat tip for your dedication and hard work with your projects!
Stay tuned for the next interview coming up next week!
Lilyana Yakimova
Marketing Manager
Comments ( 8 )
Adewale Paul
Reading through this page, i couldnt help but nod my head in agreement to the words on this page. I am one of those who hasn only been enjoying siteground premium hosting service, their freebies are super too. You guys rock, keep up the good job.You are definately getting more customers from me, that i owe you!
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Good jod guys!
I wanted to ask if I can easily point my .sa domain acquired from SaudiNic to Siteground hosting? There is a message on Siteground that it does not provide services to Saudi Arabia, what does that mean?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
You can open a new site in Site Tools and point the domain to the NS records that you will get for that site :)
Dear Hristo, Thanks for your reply. My main concern is that Siteground does not provide services to Saudi Arabia. Does it mean the domain & hosting might not function properly?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
We do not provide hosting services for customers registered in a number of countries including Saudi Arabia. Sites hosted on our servers, however, work perfectly fine :)
Do you mean I can still host my .sa website on Siteground? But will my payment method be accepted? Also, will a .sa website be easily pointed to siteground? Also, if I ran into any trouble, would I get customer support? I am a bit confused as I want to host my website on Siteground but unable to decide due to these factors.
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Your billing cannot be there but your site will work fine everywhere around the world. We don't register .sa domains but you can simply point the NS records to us and it will work as any other domain name.
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