Website Help
How to enable Memcached in PrestaShop?

How to enable Memcached in PrestaShop?

The PrestaShop application natively supports Memcached. This means that you just need to enable this option.

To do that, log in to your administrative area and go to the Advanced Parameters tab and click on Performance. Next, scroll down to the Caching section and choose Yes from the drop-down menu under Use Cache.  Here you should choose the CacheMemcached option and click on Add server.

Enter the necessary information for the Memcached server needed by PrestaShop to operate with it.

  • IP Address:
  • Port: 11211
  • Weight: 1

You may find which is the Memcached port for your hosting account via your Site Tools > Speed > Caching > Memcached. Check out our tutorial on how to enable Memcached for detailed instructions on that matter.

You may test the added information via the Test server button. Finally, save the settings by clicking on Save situated at the bottom of the Caching section.

That’s it – your PrestaShop application is now correctly configured and will use Memcached to cache certain API calls, database calls, and objects.

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