How to manage my PostgreSQL database from the PostgreSQL Manager?
Table of Contents
How to install and manage a new PostgreSQL database – Video Tutorial
How to create a PostgreSQL database?
To create a PostgreSQL database, go to your Site Tools > Site > PostgreSQL and click on Create Database.

How to create a PostgreSQL user?
To create a Postgre user, go to the Users tab in the PostgreSQL Manager, and click on Create User.

Then you can add the newly-created username to an existing database. For this purpose, click the Add New DatabaseĀ button next to the entry for the new user. Select the database from the drop-down menu and click on Confirm.
How to manage PostgreSQL users?
To rename, delete or change the password of database users in Site Tools, you need to go to the PostgreSQL Manager. Under the Users tab, you will find a Manage users table with all PostgreSQL users listed. From the Actions menu next to each user you can select the option you need.

How to add users to my PostegreSQL database?
To add a new user to your PostgreSQL database, go to the PostgreSQL Manager Databases tab and click the Add New User icon.

Alternatively, you can as well add users to a database from the Users tab in the PostgreSQL Manager. Right next to each user in the Manage Users table, you will find an Add New Database button.

How to manage user privileges to a PostgreSQL database?
To manage user privileges to a PostgreSQL database, go to the Users tab in the PostgreSQL Manager. There next to the user under Manage users, click on the database icon and select Manage Access.

In the pop-up that will come up, you can choose what privileges to assign to the particular user for database access.
How to set up a remote connection to my PostgreSQL database?
Remote connections to the PostgreSQL service on our servers is by default blocked. This is why when you try to connect to the service remotely, by default you will see an error message like this:
Connection to server at IP.IP.IP.IP port 5432 failed: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host IP2.IP2.IP2.IP2 user "username", database "database", no encryption
To set up a remote connection to your database, go to the Remote tab in the PostgreSQL Manager. After that fill in the IP address from which you want to connect. This will allow you to connect to the database server via Š° remote PostgreSQL client from that IP.
If you want to add an IP range, you can do that by using a 0 (zero), which acts as a wildcard character. For example, to allow access from all IPs starting with 1.2.3, enter
In case you want to allow a remote connection to your PostgreSQL database for all IPs, then fill in in the “IP” field.
You can also add a Label for the IP.

If you are experiencing any issues with your PostgreSQL database, do not hesitate to contact us through one of our support channels 24/7.