SiteGround SuperCacher
In 2012 we started the SiteGround How Cool Is That challenge to help our clients learn about the cool technologies that only we provide. Every week of the challenge we posted a new infographic explaining one of our unique features. In the final stage of the competition, our clients were invited to vote for the coolest technology by sharing their feedback in a comment. Our unique caching technology was chosen as first runner-up with only 3 votes behind the winner. Read the comments to see the feedback from the clients who voted for it or check a short infographic on how it works.

Comments ( 154 )
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I like SuperCacher the best, it really help my site load faster.
Juan Luis
Nice technology.
Chris Rider
Personally I like this feature best. I like knowing the site will load quickly and effectively, no matter where the people viewing it are located! I also like the improved statistics we get from the caching.
As we could say in France "Siteground : the best hosting for SITE GRAND " Bests Bibo
Kaven Tan
Great stuff to help our database powered backend serve our users.
jose luis
I think its great!!
Henrik Brosenius
Good to know that Siteground have all these great services to optimize the performance of my sites.
Aleksandar Kostadinovic
Superpowers are great. With superpower comes super responsibility :)
Altan Dizdar
It is a good server, we made the use of it a lot, thanks to you Siteground, just you can lower the price a little bit.
Super cacher rocks ! It's pretty much halved the load speed of my site. I can already see it having an effect on the analytics. Lower bounce rate and increased traffic, which turn means more earnings . Cheers supercacher ! Now if you could just make coffee and babysit you would be invincible :)
Really cool!
huge probs with aload of sites and cache. siteground got me covered this time. thanx guys
Andy Brown
Super Cacher optimizes your website performance/page loading speeds, taking pressure off the server during times of high traffic. Great addition. Thank you.
Shawn Dunigan
Never have to worrie about speed, crashes or hacking! Love it!
ID Safairis
Why bother using other caching service? Siteground have it all including the supercacher!
There are several Wordpress plugins that claim to do a job of managing caches but I much prefer a solution that is provided by my host and therefore tailored to their set up. Supercacher was easy to set up and after confirming no issues, I could turn off other plugins. Now I have the site loading lightning-fast with no maintenance effort required from my side. Coupled with Siteground support (who also seem to run on Supercacher!) I am very happy with the hosting of my Wordpress sites.
Patrick Waldrop
SuperCacher is awesome, and it sounds like nobody else out there has anything like it!
Marlin kropf
SiteGround is great company my web site runs great and people like it we never had a virus it keeps running at high speeds
Some people like to complicate. I like simple, so I will summarize in two words ... really fast :-)
Arthur Davis
Really helps me out. My site gets a lot of pictures and this really helps keep my site running smooth.
Anh Tran
My site from VietNam work very fast ... I love that ... I turn on 3 feature
Fast and efficient.
Last month I was a victim of a phissing attack! Siteground localize the problem and stop de spreading! Without notice! Its incredible! Thanks Siteground
Having a number of websites hosted with you, the whole auto update software is a real time saver, just upgraded to a shared account and I'm quiet pleased with the overall performance of the new hardware. Plus your customer service is world class. Keep it up, SiteGround!
No wonder there is a lightning fast-loading site because of this feature! Thanks SiteGround!!
I just love this feature! I am fairlynew to websdesign and a lot of the times I madea small change that resulted in my site crashing. Thankfully, this feature saved my a** and I was able to restore my website in no time. Thanks SiteGround!!!
That last comment was supposed to go under back-ups :)
I am in love with siteground for providing this wonderful feature.the supercacher is really excellent feature which helps me to drive more traffic to my site. Can you believe, before i use to get around 600 daily visits for the given account execution limits.but now i am able to get around 2000 visits per day. And not to forget about your security, High-end hardware, Auto-updates, Foolproof Daily Backup, Cloudflare CDN, and most importantly their customer getting resolved immediately..Long live siteground. Thanks to siteground and your team for providing such a wonderful features..
Drastically improves speed, which is an important ranking factor for google nowadays!
Ed Hosmer
Awesome hardware, I have never had a issue with siteground. I have tried many other options but Siteground has won my loyalty!
Just like backup security I also like my security setting to do what it does quietly and notify me only now and again how safe I'm and any threat.
Amazing performance increase on my wordpress site!
Great feature that I don't have to think about!
Edgar Salazar
Its imposible to find another company like siteground that provide high standards of quality and service, you have a problem siteground solve everything for you right away, awesome hardware, thank you for being The best Emmanuel Tours team
I like all six of these features but the SuperCacher is my favorite of the group as I know how important it is to load your site quickly these days. The public is getting a shorter attention span every day, they will leave your site quickly if it is loading slow.
Supercache has really helped my multiple WordPress installations load quickly. Thanks, SiteGround!
The site never down and never worry about security. That's great!!
Juan Gonzalez
I'm an update freak. I love to procrastinate updating everything I own. Now... SiteGround helps me get thing done regarding reliable updates.
That's great. I love it. Many many thanks.
William Phillipa
Everything about siteground is they do everything they can for our websites.
Muhammad Shoaib
Siteground is the best, using it for the last 3-4 years, no downtime, excellent chat support.And not to forget the new technologies they are providing to us. Siteground rockssss...
Ivan Juroš
I am very satisfied with performance and reliability of Siteground hosting, support is very good and no downtime. On my magazine website that is built with Wordpress, people ask in comments section what hosting am I using because it loads very fast. Now with Supercacher plugin it´s superfast. I am very happy with Siteground and will run multiple websites on it in the future, my search for good host is over!
Love this. All of these graphics are great at helping me better know and understand what siteground has to offer and to help pass it on to others. Keep up the GREAT work!
Adam Fraser-Kruck
Big fan of great security. I've been with other hosting providers where my account was affected by a bad sheep on another account. Pretty terrible. I'm glad I've never encountered this with Siteground in years of hosting. Thanks!
Marcel Rivera
Anything that makes my queries execute faster is ok in my book.
Thank you, Siteground, for keeping my website safer everyday!
Duong The Vinh
Very cool feature on Sitegroud server service. My site hosted by Siteground semi-dedicate server be faster when we use this feature. I also use CDN to make my site have a best speed. Thanks Sitegroud.
dear Siteground, thanks for your high standard terrific platform - definitely a safe ground.
Scott Winterroth
Hey Hey for Caching!
Sheena Grover
Webhosting service provided by SiteGround could said to be one of the best things happen to the World Wide Web. The awesome web-host i.e. SiteGround has given a new lease of life to bloggers and corporate, by providing them high tech technology till date the company has introduced 6 new technologies. Almost each technology like Foolproof Daily Backup, Shout-out for Backups, Cloudflare CDN etc are second to none and these applications play a vital role in enhancing the overall experience of their customers. Kudos! SiteGround, we are proud of you.
Muhammad El-Saeed
it's very great feature, so when I make a mess or any fault while updateing online, I can fix it withuot any worries that cause I'm always updating via cpanel file editor in a quick, so I may have many syntax errors and other un expected errors
At present my only choise when I must create a website is lean on Siteground, for me the best and faster provider
Awesome feature. Going to help with speed of my sites!
Stained Glass patterns
Great customer service, kind and prompt. Great selection of opensource software. Great monthly server price.
Francisco Ortega
The information security should always be a priority in any organization.
The coolest people to work with, more than ones. For get all the special add ons etc. its a reason to stay with you Siteground
Edwin Escobar
Muy bueno el servicio hasta el momento y la agilidad del servidor ha sido buena.
awesome!! loving the back up system!
Jody L
Backups provide peace of mind
great and invisibile job..
It definitely sped up my site. It is a great service!
Subharghya Das
I vote for Supercaher !! This is extremely useful and intelligent feature !
Bradley Clampitt
I do believe this has helped in making the website overall faster and I appreciate that guys thank you!
Never a hit of a problem. We've been here for about a year and everything works - problem-free. Thanks!
Cool that it just works.
Cool, it just works nice. Thanks.
Very cool! Definitely made a big difference in the load time of my site!
Zhi Cheng wang
Very good
Great service with no issues with performance or security since using their service.
Krihsil Reddy
Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! Absolutely fast, safe, secure and the friendliest customer service provided by SiteGround. I really can't think of moving away from these guys. Absolutely Awesome! Keep up the great up SiteGroud Team!
Tope Sosanya
I have crashed sites multiple times during the development process for clients, and to say the least- the back-up service of Siteground is unparalleled to any other hoster out there. Without knowing any complex coding you can easily back up your website from a back-up saved up to 30 days before, and forget the mess you've made. This also helps if you are unsure about doing any software updates to your website- you never have to back up your clients site in case of errors because Siteground has already done it.
whenever i use a client web server that isn't siteground it re-enforces how good i have it. thanks guys :)
After my brother in law (with another web host company) lost his whole website when they did a 'technical conversion'. I panicked, but was so happy to find site-ground had a backup solution. Its just another great service that siteground seem to continually add to their service offerings. Highly recommended, don't be without it.
Siteground keep our hosting and website up to date and fast ....
Eyal amazing...luv it so much
It's good having extra cache when I need it!
So glad to be safe and sound... one less thing to worry about... Kinda like delegating.
Unique account security is my biggest concern and Siteground doing amazing job regarding this issue, Great Job Thanks
Another and Special Thanks to All Siteground Technical Team you made me Very Satisfied Customer and I highly recommend Siteground to my friends and my Customers as well. Thanks Again
Guadalupe Esmeralda Gutiérrez Rosas
It's great support I have always received from Siteground
Bernardo Astigueta
Me siento muy satisfecho con los servicios prestados por Siteground. Pienso que es una empresa altamente competitiva que ha sabido recoger las necesidades de los usuarios y ha diseñado unos servicios que responden cabalmente a tales necesidades. Siteground ofrece servicios seguros, altamente profesionales, y brinda el apoyo que los usuarios requieren a un precio muy razonable. Espero que los usuarios de todo el mundo podamos continuar disfrutando de los servicios de Siteground y beneficiarnos de las oportunidades que ofrece. Muchas gracias (Un usuario hispanohablente residente en Japón)
Ruben Estrada
Love updates!
I'm stoked with this option - Siteground keep up the good work!
Mohammed Mousad
Thnx for your everything
Cache management is always a bit complex and technical topic, Siteground is making it easy to understand and implement. Incredible service level provided by Siteground. Sometime I just hope the company will not grow too much and loose this fantastic mindset, as we have seen with so many players...
One big reason I use siteground is because I can feel safe
Necati isler
Customer satisfaction is best in Siteground :) Because moneyback is possible. Thanks.
I got the best service from siteground and i feel safe and friendly , thanks
It's fantastic servive that siteground! Before siteground the my website was in a Italian hosting but the service itsn't comparable. For example the help desck it's amazing from siteground! Thanks for all siteground staff! Andrea!
the best service at all
My team of staff recommend this as the best
your the best so far
Patrick Pella
Now your the best and number one hosting company.
Patrick Pella
Africa we are appreciate your service,it looks like siteground offices is one foot near my office.I get all support at right time.Your the best so far.
I've never had such great technical support from what I get from Siteground. Their response is beyond compare. The company I work for which is a big global telecommunications company doesn't even have such quick response as what I get from Siteground. I don't recall the last time there was downtime on my site. If there was any kind of maintenance scheduled by Siteground, they would inform me, and it was very quick and brief. Siteground is the best I've had and will continue to enjoy their stellar service they provide. Thank you Siteground and three cheers for your support division.
Diego Rodriguez
Siteground with all its tools is very user friendly and helps us keep evrything safe and up to date. Great work siteground!
Great security with siteground. User friendly for even the novice. Daily backups are super too.
Best feature ever. Preventing lost hours because of dumb mistakes? Yes please!
I keep on loving siteground every day. They have never let me down.
Siteground, simply, gives you what you want, when you want it, and with lower cost.
I just <3 the SuperCacher. It made my site 400% faster! Nothing can be better :) Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks a lot SiteGround!
Awesome support and security save my day to day life. Thank you guys for great service!!!
Thanks Siteground for doing the behind the scenes work that many viewers can't see! I have peace knowing that my sites will load up every time!
After messing with the code for my site over a period of 3 days on a major upgrade, I made a major error and if it wasn't for the daily backups, I would have had a lot of work to redo. Thank god for sitegrounds back up service
All I can say is I have never had a Server issue over the six years of use.
I switched to Siteground because of this, and I'm loving it!
Uff, it has been hard for me to decide which one of the six technology is the best, but I have to choose for security because with a secure website you can use any other technology to make your website even better. No doubt SiteGround has a lot more to offer than competitors and a great price, what a deal!
Glad to hear that Siteground has been developing cutting edge technologies such as ‘SuperCacher’ which undoubtedly provides me and all users incredible speed in loading files and websites with this technology ‘SuperCacher’ and for me and for all the best choice in the market!
Caching is so useful allowing for faster load times on my website, really increasing my application performance. I am planning on using more of the caching features such as memcache, can't wait to finish my new project to get even better performance.
I have used Siteground for 5 years now and haven't one bad thing to say about it. Help is 24/7, security is 100%, applications are remarkable, and hosting prices are awesome. The list goes on, to much to list.
Best thing that could have happened for my site. Going from users complaining about slow response times to suddenly having blazing fast performance in minutes of activating the caching!
I love the Supercacher. makes my site run fast. and now going to try it's other options.
How cool is it that Siteground does all the back up for me. My first choice was Sitegrond and will continue to be SItegrond. Thanks for the economic but also at the same time the best hosting and customer service I have ever had.
Larry Kidd
Fantastic...who doesn't like safer!
Updates without having to worry about it are great!
As a novice, I am VERY grateful for this feature!!!
Siteground daily backups let you run your site with the peace of mind that your data is secure and retrievable if anything unexpected happens!
It is such a fantastic toolset to enable auto patching and updates of the many sites I own.
Asif Younus
Over the past 4 years, I experienced great service with sitegrounnd. It continues to grow and surprise me with new tools and goodies. Great job guys! AYounus
Just this week, cloudflare saved me 75% of all requests, which amount to 48% of bandwidth, which for my site is 16GB. One day I got this email saying "hey you are invited to use cloudflare for no extra charge". 5 minutes later it was enabled, it was that simple. My site felt twice as fast, and 75% of the requests were simply gone.
It is impossible not to love supercacher. There is no extra charge for it, the already extremely cheap service from siteground includes it. But more importantly, immediately after turning on memcache and static cache, the site went from start to render 5.3 seconds to 2.9 seconds. I simply love the stream of no extra charge features coming out of siteground. It keeps me wondering what is next.
SITEGROUND ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm very pleased with your service. I have a suggestion though, now that googleapps are not free anymore you may consider offering a better webmail interface for our email accounts. Cheers...
use since years SiteGround. I can only say that it is the best service on the web. SITEGROUND FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Safe and secure!!
SuperCacher is super fast and helps my site load super quick, love it, thanks for the competition !
This feature it so important for all of us that share Siteground, it is effective and reliable. Thank you team!
Redazione Convivum
SuperCacher: la migliore cache mai sperimentata per il nostro sito realizzato con Joomla. Bravi!!!
Rob Phillips
This is one of the many features that make siteground the best!!!! Thank you for running a great company and service! -Rob
SiteGround da bomb
keep the bad boys out with siteground site security
Its good to know the protection is there! Very cool
Mohamed Habaza
Can't say more than My website performance optimized every day with Super Cacher, I love it. Thanks Siteground.
William Bazeyo
Siteground- what a great relief to my institution!! Keep the flag high for all of us to remain proud.
George Koukouvitakis
Security in web is everything... SiteGround helps me feel safe!!!
great hosting. cache is king
Awesome reviews and service!
siteground- All of these graphics are great at helping me better know and understand what siteground has to offer and to help pass it on to others. And i’m really happy for choosing siteGround b/c when i was trying to buy Hosting, they support me in anyway like email, Live chat, and phone .I love the feature that fences off all of the accounts. I have not ever had any issues with SiteGround when it comes to security. Glad to know this is one of the features. It’s just one of those things that happens behind the curtains that we don’t have to worry about. I've been using it for soo long and have had no problems
can u comment more than once?
Dima Siteground Team
Andy, you can. However, the goal of the vote is to share your personal opinion on using the technologies above, so that we can choose the one that was most useful to most clients. So, we encourage comments that really share a personal insight:)
Love the SuperCacher, looks like the best of all the features!
Luis Carlos Olivares Trinidad
I was talking yesterday with a friend about all of these features that the customers don't see, often you don't know that they are, but when lagging, lost or hacked, you really regret not having. I'm about to make in a few days, a simple test of supercatcher and it's results.
I found siteground as "THE BEST". The rates are quite cheap as compared to other hosting companies. The services are great and I found superman or batman bit slow than the response time of Customer care/technical people. I recommend SiteGround to all of my friends and even to the people who seeks advice about web hosting companies.
Ed Tam
security is extremely important to me.. one host I had in the past had a security risk that affected all their accounts on one of their hard drives. it affected my account amongst all 500 of my domains for almost a whole week, which seemed like an eternity! I've been reviewing all of your services and I really like your price point on your hosting plans.. I will definitely bring up your services at my next committee meeting to use your service instead of our current host. ~cheers! :)
Sita @ Real Food Suomi
I just enabled StaticCache, and I am not sure yet about the other two options, but great to have this support to help my site load faster as it continues to get more traffic.
A no-hassle daily backup is brilliant! Now I can focus on building my business without added stress.
Cool site!
Just like a postage stamp sticks to an i did ever since i signed up.I moved all my site to siteground in 2009.I had tried 3 hosting companies before then.So I got my reseller account here and i went to bed with my 2 eyes worries.Excellent customer support and techy guys.
This is such a great service! Daily backup, a fast hosting. The only focus now is building the business while it is growing! joomla installeren
I don't really know much about supercacher but I know SiteGround for almost 4 years now. When I saw the banner, I was very excited to try because I know siteground service is easy to setup ! Supercacher improved my site and I love the feeling of getting the best for my company. I am Happy!
Great Job Siteground, this really speeds up the Wordpress Websites!
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